Americans enslaving other Americans

in #slavery7 years ago

Its the Freemasons! No, Its the Zionists! No, its the bankers! No, its...... Hold up lets take a breather here for a second. Everyone has their ideas of who runs the nations or world and I would agree that it is in fact Freemasons, Zionists and bankers. However what power do these men really have? After all they are only a small group of mortal men. So if its that easy to identify them why is it so hard to free ourselves from their grasps? I will specifically speak on behalf of the United States in particular. All our government is, is extremely wealthy men paying other people to do their work.

That's it. Whenever you disagree with an unconstitutional law whos coming to your door? Is it a freemason? Is it Donald Trump? Is it a guy from the fed? Nope just your average joe policeman coming to take you away because you didn't listen to daddy government. Failed to pay taxes? Well who keeps note of that? Certainly not Janet Yellen or Ben Bernanke as good ol' Ben lost account of where billions of dollars went (his pocket most certainly). Its average ally at the I.R.S. who keeps track of that.

Your congressman approved of something you don't agree with. Well why don't you right to him? You will just get a letter back that was written by a secretary. Sorry bud, they don't listen to that kind of paper. Without policemen, soldiers, secretaries, or any other faction of society. These men hold no power over us. All they have is money and peoples belief in its value. These workers are the "true government" not what we think is the government.

The whitehouse is nothing more than a playhouse and D.C. nothing less than Hollywood. The president, house of reps, congress are all highly paid puppets and do absolultley nothing beside feed you the illusion that we have a centralized government of some sort. These men do not make or pass laws that have already been decided by the men who have the money to buy them. The real enslavers are other average people who whether directly or indirectly give these men power by accepting their money and working jobs that keep the cycle going.

We do not have a government. We have a belief in paper made of old jeans and very dangerous men that can buy whatever they want. I'm certainly not saying the wealthy elite are innocent but the only way to free ourselves is to stop using their money. These men aren't mythical, demonic creatures that need special spells or weapons of angels to be destroyed. The elite don't need to work. We do it for them.


Well said. Up-voted/Re-steemed. U did forget the most sinister of all secret societies tho. THE ILLUMINATI!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!! ;)

Thanks man! I appreciate.