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RE: Triforce Slavery

in #slavery5 years ago

I have a buddy, when he was in the workforce, had a boss raking in $250K a year and was up to his eyeballs in debt. He had the fancy cars, the nice home, and the boat.

Actually what he had was just a bunch of monthly payments.

There was someone else he worked with, an engineer, pulling in $150K. The guy needed an advance of $3k for work he did every few months to make it to payday. My buddy asked if he had a credit card he could use in the was maxed out.

This is the epitome of what is taking place. The consumer economy is enslaving people simply because it is impossible to get free. Like you mentioned, even if one does stop spending like a fool, the taxes and currency get one.

I am so excited to see what crypto is going to do. I have a feeling the next 24 months will unveil a great deal. People are going to be surprised how quickly this all moves once it starts going full tilt.


90% of the population spends money like they're simply temporarily embarrassed billionaires. I made $14k last year and it sounds like I save more money than those guys. lol

It really is horrible. Money is carelessly spent on frivolities of every description.

The truly horrible thing is the whole glorification of it. Being a gluttonous consumer is something that is practically worshiped in American culture, at every single income class.

I've seen poor kids without shoes popping out of their parent's expensive car... where the fuck do people get these priorities? Oh wait...

It’s an endless cycle. Buddhists have the right idea about our endless wants.

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