A Good Sleep Is All We Need

in #sleep7 years ago

Sleep is one of the most important part of our life. People who pretend that they could work work for hours with a short sleep then they are wrong. They won't be active and focussed. So it creates a balance in our life physically and mentally.

Things should be followed for good sleep.

1. Stay in bright light during the day

Staying in natural sunlight or bright light during day improves daytime energy, that improves sleep quality and time. Also, this light exposure during day decrease time to fall asleep.

2. Decrease bright light exposure for evening

Effect of bright light during the night is just opposite to effect in the day. Bright light during night decreases melatonin hormone. This hormone helps the body to relax and also helps in getting a deep sleep.

Blue light has the worst effect. Blue light is mostly emitted by electronic devices.
For computers, this effect can be reduced by using f.lux application.
For Android and iPhones, there are apps available in their respective stores to reduce blue light effect during the night.

Turning off the tv at least before 2 hours before sleep is a good thing to follow.

3. Avoid consumption of caffeine during the late half of the day

Consumption of caffeine improves energy and focus. If caffeine is consumed late in the day, it may affect the nervous system's stimulation. This may affect your body to stop relaxing during the night.

4. Do not consume alcohol at night

Drinking alcohol at night can put a negative effect on hormones.
Some facts about alcohol are known that it causes snoring and disrupted sleep.

5. Optimize bedroom temperature and environment

Bedroom environment includes various things. i.e - noise, temperature, furniture, and lights. As per studies, this has been observed that external noise in poor health.

6. Avoid late dinner

Dining late i.e just before sleeping puts a bad effect on both sleep and the hormones.
Hormone tryptophan is the main cause that affects sleep. This hormone makes the body to feel tired.

7. Do regular exercise, but avoid before sleep

Exercise is a very good way to improve quality of sleep, also the health as well.
Also, exercise is amongst best science-backed ways to get good sleep.
Excercise increases alertness, as well as the hormones like- adrenaline. Which causes the issue of sleep.

Though regular exercise is very good for health and sleep. Only doing exercise in the late night may cause sleep problems.




Thanks for this post! It's a good summary of important points when it comes to sleep and feeling rested. Recently I heard this show on the Kevin Rose podcast, which digs into the details and I think everyone who like this post might also like the episode. Thanks again!

Thank you so much!