What are your thoughts on afternoon naps or "siestas"?

in #sleep6 years ago

View the original post on Musing.io

Nice question. Very nice. Siestas are a really funny thing because as kids, I used to hate having to sleep in the afternoons but as an adult, I try to sleep as much as I can when I can. First of all, I'm in college. I have classes from 8am to 5pm most days and once a week I get off by 2pm. I literally always sleep as soon as I get home. It's not because I'm lazy or anything, it's just that as an adult, I have more to do and less time to do it. So taking the occasional nap helps me "recharge " a bit.

Medically, naps help to "reboot" the brain and increase motor performance. A study involving 23681 men showed that a few naps a week helps to reduce chances of dying from heart disease.

So taking this into consideration I guess the Westerners are wrong to frown on naps.

Take a nap and restart your brain again. I know I will😁😁


Now I can justify dozing off :D