“Sleeping –The Very Most Important Part of Day to day Life.”

in #sleep8 years ago

We all love Sleep,but most of not get enough of it. Each year an Average Adult in the world loses 11hours of productivity due to lack of Sleep .

Photo Source :-http://teded.tumblr.com/

This sleepiness can lead to memory loss , difficulty in Concentration and lack of concentration. An Average Adult needs 7 to 8 Hours of sleep at Night but quality of sleeps matters too.


photo source:-giphy.com/gifs/porucz

Here are the few best tips for getting best rest possible.

  1. Low down the temperature of your room.

  2. Take a warm shower before going to bed.

  3. Turn off the lights of the room while having sleep.

  4. Use Black out Curtains in room to black out the room.

  5. Sniff some herd before sleep for example lavender oil, breath some lavender oil before sleep make you sleep faster.

Image Source:- http://smurfsfanon.wikia.com

Benefit of Sleep:-

  1. Getting the right amount of sleep improves your hormones

  2. good sleep Improves your immune system.

  3. sleep helps to improve learning

4)sleep lowers the risk of developing depression.

5)sleep improves athletic performance.


i like your post my friend

Tanks dear ...i followed u..