
in #sleepless4 years ago

Ever feel like your in a funk? Even my trip didn’t help . I mean it was fun, but it still didn’t get me out of my funk. Ever have days that you just don’t feel like getting out of bed …. Or days that no matter how much you do ….. it’s not enough …..when people say don’t and you are wonderful … blah blah blah bullshit … it doesn’t help …. It’s more annoying than anything else ….. it’s not helpful …… I can’t sleep…. I can’t shut my brain off and stop thinking …. Even while away …. I was up all night ….. even when we got in late … I found myself up in my room …. Just not sleeping …. Going to the hotel gym at 4 am bc I just can’t sleep …. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️….. I know I’m going to snap out of it ….. but right now
… I just push thru ….. I have to … my kids and everyone else depends on it …. I just can’t wait for it all to go back to normal … there is just so much going on … so much on my plate …. I don’t know how much more I can handle … I mean I can handle it … I know I can … I just don’t understand why I have to .


I hate it when I see more with my eyes closed than open.

Wow. That sucks. You need a massage! Book one today. I hate when that happens and it's hard to shut all that stuff off. I have to use a fan for white noise and put my blue light emitting stuff away after like 7 or 8. Stress and over thinking stuff is such a drag. I wish we could easily shut our brains off but I haven't figured that out yet. lol Good Luck! Someone I know (can't remember who) took melatonin and that helped them. Whoever it was got tired of taking other sleep aids.

I need to go away by myself and do nothing but stay in the hotel room …. Not go anywhere … not go anything … just be away by myself … but that’s not an option .