Very late Blog update 6/15/2017 REEEEEE

in #sliceoflife8 years ago (edited)

I thought about doing a daily blog, but I've been studying alot of TA lately for crypto.
It's honestly been my current obsession today other than trolling discords with shitty memes.

Been learning more effectively trade on Poloniex (Fuck that laggy shit) and GDAX, mostly margin trading. Lately I've been on a downtrend, been doing a couple bad trades :/ so I hope I can make more of it back this week. Top of that the Fucking Market decided to take a dip, both BTC and ETH together causing a Massive sale day on Polo. Apparently this is due to Jihad Wu saying Fuck you to "UASF" User activated Soft fork, and creating his own Coin called "UAHF" User activated Hard fork aka Bitmain Bitcoin. I already knew from the start of the announcement of UASF that Jihad Wu will try to wrestle for control moving forward to August 1. Apparently Not alot of people are taken back to this and just spectating all this fucking drama, nobody taking sides. My best take on whats going to happen on August 1 is either people liquidate and cash out, or Hedge their BTC into Ethereum for a couple of weeks to ride out the storm. LTC will also get a nice boost but not as much as people would think, low cost and high volatility... Bag holders will just dump on them.


Recently in California, I fucking hate this heat man... I really don't want to do anything with this heat going on, I've pretty much stopped gaming and just been focusing on Cryptocurrency and my studies during the wait.

I'm gonna cut it short here and return to doing more blogs in the very near future.

As always here's a tipjar, I don't expect anything but hey maybe like 1 doge coin would be great. I'm just a poor boy trying to make millions off crypto

ETH (just eth): 0x21CeC91E457D4A4F77DDfb47d8B56F52Ec85190f
DOGE: DMyLkzxWPkboNSWo5CqMT83xkKMMVt63Bv