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RE: Your Thoughts are required! + Burn post!

in #slothbuzz11 months ago

Wrong question.

Or maybe, complex question.

Hive-Engine tokens tend to move towards zero unless there's a value proposition that makes them worth more, in the eyes of those who own them, or earn them.

Most Hive-Engine tokens are damn near zero because (in people's minds) "why OWN them, rather than SELL them before the price goes down even more?"

Look at a community like INLEO/LeoFinance which has a full-time team of developers and innovators constantly pounding out new things to give the community value and even then, the LEO token barely holds $0.10 on the open market.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you let the market decide the value, my guess is that SLOTHBUZZ would settle in around $0.01-$0.02. Maybe, because scarcity... but scarcity doesn't mean much in the absence of demand, and demand is significantly contingent on awareness and constant branding,... and, oh, that value proposition.

Otherwise, it's just another memecoin with a cute sloth for a mascot... and those tend to be "hot today, gone tomorrow."

So, value proposition? What is YOUR INTENT? Why did you create SLOTHBUZZ? What does it offer, besides "get token, watch number go up?" Remember, in Web 3, the token isn't the "product," it's merely the fuel for the product... so what IS the "product?" Once we have those nailed down, then come back to where/how the buy/sell walls are determined.