Hello my dear friends, in this opportunity I proposed to make a portrait of Mahatma Ganhi, why? for me to make facial expressions is not easy so I said to myself: "if you try, you will not know if you can do it or how it will be" so try it, on the other he was a man who never supported violence was the most outstanding leader of the Indian independence movement against the British Raj, was a thinker, pacifist, lawyer and politician, murdered on January 30, 1948 in New Delhi, India, was 78 years old.
He was a very influential man in human history.
Process of the Portrait.
With a 2B graphite pencil I made the sketch, marking the facial expressions and then making them better.
To shade use a 3B pencil and a small brush, with an 8B pencil I darkened the glasses I made them black to give it a personal touch since in the original photo it appears with its silver lenses.
With a brush, blur the graphite towards the forehead and reinforce it with a cotton ball.
With the brush and the cotton I followed the whole face, with a 0.5 HB mechanical pencil I made the mustaches I recommend doing it with mechanical pencils since when doing it with a mechanical pencil it looks like real facial hair, with an eraser to blur the whiskers so that of the impression that Has white hair
Here I'm almost finished using the mechanical pencil to make the hair and diffuse with a brush. To make wrinkles on the forehead and eyes, use a 6B pencil to mark and a HB to shade and then blend.
Here the final result.
Me gusta mucho,es la copia viva de Ghandi. Buen trabajo