Well that's one pitiful piece of "artwork"...
why is the guy naked? why is that "snake-soldier" circling him like that? so many questions...
at any rate, God bless you... how great would it be if you could dedicate your talent to promoting the gospels...
For me it is sad that you did not like the illustration, I think if you had read the source of inspiration would have the answers to those questions. Anyway thanks for visiting my corner at Steemit.
Well I have to say I DO NOT like the final product... But hey, that's just me. So the man knows he is totally lost and just surrenders... But still, it begs the question: WHY is he naked? Resembles the fall of Adam to the Dragon at Eden? Maybe... Makes sense? I don't think so... Also, the snake-dude looks all but menacing; no teeth, no claws, no nothing! I'd say he is seducing him instead of trying to eat him, if I didn't know better... Thanks for sharing though, good luck and Godspeed!