Hello Every one
thank you for @cryptocomic for the briliant project to promote cryptocurency for the people.in today's post I want to share daily creative commons art in slothicorn. it's great to be able to keep sharing with all of steemian friends.please do not hesitate to join us if you have ability in art and have great work. involve yourself in a crypto currency campaign through the creative commons movement in the slothicorn channel. we look forward to people like you who want to be rewarded by sharing great works .... be a great artist .... be a history in the slothicorn community ... be history in the art of crypto currency.
terima kasih atas @cryptocomic untuk proyek terimakasih untuk mempromosikan kriptografi bagi masyarakat. Di pos hari ini saya ingin berbagi seni kreatif sehari-hari dengan slothicorn. Senang rasanya bisa terus berbagi dengan semua teman steemian. Jangan ragu untuk bergabung dengan kami jika Anda memiliki kemampuan dalam seni dan memiliki pekerjaan yang hebat. melibatkan diri Anda dalam kampanye mata uang kripto melalui gerakan kreatif dalam saluran slothicorn. Kami menantikan orang-orang seperti Anda yang ingin dihargai dengan berbagi karya besar .... menjadi seniman hebat .... menjadi sejarah dalam komunitas slothicorn ... menjadi sejarah dalam seni mata uang kripto.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Artwork from irwan syahputra (@irwanumpal)
GO TO ; https://steemit.com/@slothicorn
Glad you participated....I would suggest one thing as far as this goes....instead of using other crypto logos, why not focus it all on EOS since you're describing EOS? This is a suggestion, since I know that EOS has like nothing to do with Ripple, etc.
Thank you @slothicorn....thats a good idea
Hey i posted a template alphabet so we can keep the whole thing looking nice and uniform.