If you can give us permission to print some T-shirts with this design, please let us know in our Discord Channel. Some friends have already asked about this. T-shirts not to sell, but for personal use....just a few.
Hey, can you please add the creative commons license on this artwork if you want it to be a part of our community?
We upvote only Creative Commons work. Thanks! This is fabulous!
If you can give us permission to print some T-shirts with this design, please let us know in our Discord Channel. Some friends have already asked about this. T-shirts not to sell, but for personal use....just a few.
ill talk to everyone later in discord :) Im in a class right now
How can I talk to you there?
thats cool your called unihuman hahaha
hahaha. thanks men :)
Hey, can you please add the creative commons license on this artwork if you want it to be a part of our community?
We upvote only Creative Commons work. Thanks! This is fabulous!
I already added the license :) Thank you so much :)
Add the Creative Commons Attribution License and blurb. It should be like this:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Nevermind! YOu did it....sorry, i saw this post earlier!
Hey jammanuel - this is a lot of fun!!!! I love this .. I bet there are a lot of guys who would love to wear this on a t-shirt!!! Great job :)
Thank you maam. :) Im happy that someone appreciated my creativity :)
Very nice it suits you emoji person standing on a plate surrounded by a salad and raising a hat in hand to the sky