This is also my first real try. I kept most of it to myself. My kids didn't even know I could be an artist because I had put it down for so many years. About 2013 I picked it up again, I told everyone, "Yup, I'm going to do something with this art someday." They all thought I was crazy, of course. :)
It seems to be working out. I don't feel like I got lucky. I feel like I worked pretty damn hard and got results.
As for my humor, well, fair warning, I do have a habit of getting carried away sometimes. People seem to enjoy it though. I know it's not always for everyone, but we can't impress everyone all of the time anyway, so it doesn't really matter. I just like to have fun.
I never stopped doing art just avoided all markets and visibility, and I cannot do anything else write just being creative, so was pretty much the starving artist - although my parents supported me and I never starved.
and I still do not cover all my expenses with art, but still determined not to take money out of crypto for a while