FATHOM Magazine Mentions Slothicorn: BLOCKCHAIN The New Economy For Artists

in #slothicorn7 years ago


Today Slothicorn got a shoutout from Fathom Magazine in an article titled, BLOCKCHAIN: The New Economy For Artists


One of the main reasons we got this shoutout is because Jason Bailey, a blockchain art researcher, and I did an interview of each other recently. I was featured in his Dank Rares blockchain art podcast, and this is available in iTunes and many other music formats. Link is here: https://dankrares.libsyn.com/website/interview-with-slothicorn-founder-stellabelle

Also, you can see the interview I did of Jason Bailey on Dtube here:

I wanted to clarify one thing regarding the FATHOM article and that concerns the use of the Creative Commons license.

After listening to some very talented artists and their dislike of Creative Commons licensing, we decided to change this rule to a more artist-centered approach.

Now, the artists can decide for themselves which license to use. This means that they can add “All Rights Reserved” instead of using the Creative Commons license, if they choose. Artists who prefer to use the Creative Commons license can continue as they were before. So, now the choice is there for artists to decide, and in this way, Slothicorn can accommodate both types of artists.

We made this change based on artist feedback, and now we feel we are moving towards a more artist-friendly direction.


A big show of appreciation for the Slothicorn Curators, as they are so instrumental to the functioning of Slothicorn, and yesterday we added one more curator. Here are the people who are making a big difference in the Slothicorn wading-through-posts universe:


I wanted to share some of the articles that the Slothicorn Core members have written.


art by @yusaymon

@ghulammujtaba wrote an outstanding artist interview that you should check out: https://steemit.com/slothicorn/@ghulammujtaba/exclusive-interview-with-alix-branwyn-artist-with-tattoos

@inquiringtimes also wrote an exceptionally insightful article about Rare Pepe art: https://steemit.com/slothicorn/@inquiringtimes/the-birth-of-crypto-art-meet-rare-pepe

Thanks to everyone who is active in Slothicorn especially those who are welcoming newcomers in the Discord channel and providing guidance: @albe, @juliakponsford, @kubbyelizabeth, @irwanumpal and many others.

Also thanks to @paulag and @irwanumpal who are consistently providing analytics on the performance and efficacy of the @slothicorn account.


In the Slothicorn Discord channel, there is now a section for Español speakers. It became apparent that the Spanish-speaking community within Slothicorn is growing!

I am in research mode and working on a big proposal that is taking up a lot of time. In my research, I have found several more sites that are trying to solve the monetization of art on blockchain problem. Here are some sites worth exploring if you have not already. Some of these sites have not launched yet:



Not Launched Yet:




A total re-brand.

We will soon have a contest to re-brand the Slothicorn logo, header, etc. I want to move away from the cute, into a more surreal, and edgier look mainly because I feel that it will represent the mission better. It will also be more closely resembling my vision for the future, where creative freedom is at the center of artists’ lives.

Artistic freedom can take many forms, and I want to live in a world where I can freely say,

“Shop less, fuck more.”

LOL. The roots of this artistic movement are based in an anti-authoritarian reality, where artists can rule themselves and are more financially independent. It’s perhaps a utopian ideal, but still, I think it’s possible with more focus on it, less focus on “asking for permission”.

If someone is offended by me saying the word, 'fuck’, then probably this is not the right group. A lot of my personal art is very graphic in nature, and I want to continue to be as authentic as possible. A lot of the “pc” world and its sterile ways are simply ridiculous to me. While I don’t seek to offend anyone, I have no desire to live in a world where I cannot freely cuss or express the more garish sides of existence. Embracing life, in its dark and light forms is the world I’d like to live in. I have a lot of utopian ideals, but I also have a lot of dark stuff to express too. I think we all do.

I never did a branding of Slothicorn when I started it. I let the people in it decide, but I feel that we have outgrown the earlier logo. It doesn’t really represent the reality anymore.

My vision of Slothicorn has always and continues to be guided towards artists and creative people becoming more and more independent through crypto education, and access of new tools like blockchain technology. Slothicorn is like the gateway drug towards artistic and financial freedom. That’s the vision still.

Slothicorn’s direction will be based on the people who are active within it. Right now I have no desire to be a CEO. Take charge of your own direction, and your life will improve. The less you ask for permission, the better things will flow. This was the case for me personally, anyway. The day I stood up for myself and declared that no longer will I seek a boss, was the day I made myself free. And this was way before I found Steemit. I did this with only a few dollars in my pocket and a lifetime of rage…..I don’t like cages, and the sooner you realize you’re already free, the better the world will become.

I will admit one thing right now: I am not a manager, nor have I ever wanted to be a manager. Most people will be frustrated if they join Slothicorn and expect me to act like a manager. I started the group because I had utopian ideals of helping artists to become self-sufficient, and I am quickly realizing that if Slothicorn is going to go places, then someone else will have to magically appear to become a “manager” or else I will have to suddenly get my attention issues under control.

As primarily a creative person, I have trouble with things like spreadsheets, organization and direction. I operate on impulse mostly, as far as energy, and this is kind of bad, as far as organizing groups go. A lot of you have been helpful to me, and I appreciate it very much. I am not sure why I am like this, or maybe all the drinking messed up my brain, because I wasn’t always like this…..only kind of recently. I will say this though: once I decide to focus on one thing, I can maintain that for a while. I’m working on something big right now, and I hope that in the coming weeks I can do the “big reveal.” Fingers crossed.

Stay Slothy Friends,


Thank you for your relentless effort to making our trade worthy it.

Very cool news. Thanks for sharing. Go #slothicorn

This is great news. Any attention around crypto currency contributes to their success. Good luck to you and love.

That mention was a big deal. It was well earned too. This means the world is taking note.

I guess you're Yoruba 😊

Stella what an awesome achievement, that article is really good coverage. Nice work, and congratulations on making such as success of this

You many not feel like a manager but I an tell you from experience you are a wonderful leader. You are open and helpful and you cant even see how much of a leader you are.

Wonderful news to be informed......thanks

Great news for us, especially us newbies

hahahaaa ... I like that ... surely we must be free from any pressure and shackles that will hamper creativity in every life .... hahahaaa ... free to work and have fun.

Yay for slothicorn 😊

Slothicorn is wonderful, glad to seeing it get the attention it deserves!

Getting a shoutout from Fathom Magazine is no doubt a big achievement. This project will surely attract a lot of creative people in the future as well.
The idea of re-branding was the need of the hour, this project wasn't only about drawing sloths but actually it had a bigger purpose.
And yes, you might not become a good boss in your life because to become one, you have to be selfish, greedy and a complete shit person but you are a good leader!