Small Business Marketing Resolutions to Make in 2020

in #smallbusiness5 years ago (edited)

Small Business Marketing Resolutions to Make in 2020.jpgAs we wind up 2019, it’s time to look ahead at 2020 and what you can do to grow your small business. Marketing should play a big role in your 2020 business planning. If you’re looking for some fresh ideas and inspiration to take your marketing to the next level, here are small business marketing resolutions to make in 2020 that can really boost your small business.

Take your content marketing to the next level

If you’ve been actively blogging for your small business this past year, we applaud you! Fresh, new, relevant content is critical to help your website attract new visitors and engage existing customers. Now it’s time to take your content marketing to the next level for 2020! An article by the U.S. Small Business Administration said it best: Content marketing today goes beyond words. It includes infographics, podcasts, videos, etc. Why go beyond blogging? Effective content marketing puts your customer’s needs first, not to mention the needs of potential customers. A Content Marketing Institute’s B2B report shows that 90% of the most successful content marketers put their audience’s information needs ahead of their own promotional messages. It’s time to take that awesome blogging that you’re already doing and put that same effort towards helpful videos, infographics or free guides. Yes, small business content marketing is hard but the payoff is worth it!