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RE: Why Your Post Isn't Getting Any Love: The Dunning-Kruger Effect #smallpost

in #smallpost9 years ago

I actually 100% feel you. All I can do is promise that it wasn't meant that way. My motto for all my content has been: honesty, sincerity, transparency. I put my face and my name out there. I have a real life, filled with real people. It is very important for my online presence to represent my real identity fairly. I think other people with more anonymity on this site can afford to be a bit more shameless about the type of content they create. But all of my content is personal. It's good to learn that I might be putting out stuff that could be interpreted a different way. Hopefully after this exchange we might be able to have that conversation in a civil manner? I mean, you saying you "didn't mean to come off harsh," is at least as ridiculous as my claim that I didn't mean to come off as condescending. If there are errors in my videos or posts I will GLADLY add corrections. That would make them better. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and helping me better frame my content.