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RE: The Endless Conversation with a Daughter Pt.3

in #smallsteps2 years ago

This one is a more nuanced and intimate and I believe she may one day be thankful for this.
I always regret I did not have open conversations with my father. He was a man of few words. I can't say I knew him and I would have loved for him to leave some sort of diary.
It would have been cathartic for the both of us (and all his kids for that matter).
Keep doing it. It's honest and enlighteningThis is really moving. I had missed the previous two. I remember when @littlesteps was a toddler and you wrote from her voice or created a voice for her little self. That was quite an original exercise in parenting, I think.


was a toddler and you wrote from her voice or created a voice for her little self.

I liked doing it a lot, but it got weird with some people, where they were using her image as backgrounds....

I can't say I knew him and I would have loved for him to leave some sort of diary.

It makes a difference in a life I think. I didn't have a great deal of conversations with mine either and I think that it had an affect on both of our lives.

I am very much like my father.

I did not know about people using your girl's images. 😡
What a world we live in.
I have struggled my whole life not to be like my father. Hive has helped. It has allowed me to channel violent impulses into social critiques and creative writing.