'Smart' fabric could turn your clothes into wearable keycards

in #smart7 years ago

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'Smart' fabric could turn your clothes into wearable keycards

Are door keys about to go the way of the Dodo?

by Denise Chow / Nov.28.2017 / 4:21 PM ET

Using magnetic properties of conductive thread, University of Washington researchers are able to store data in fabric. In this example, the code to unlock a door is stored in a fabric patch and read by an array of magnetometers.Dennis Wise /University of WashingtonFrom keycards to touchpads, scientists have developed all sorts of alternatives to conventional metal keys. Now researchers at the University of Washington have developed a “smart” fabricthat they say can be used to create clothing programmed with the wearer’s identity — making it possible to open doors at home and at work with just the swipe of a shirt cuff.“With our approach we can transform everyday clothes like a shirt into a magnetic hard drive that can store codes and images, and which can be thrown into a washer and dryer without any loss of information,” Justin Chan, a Ph.D. student in computer science and engineering at the university and the lead author of a recent study about the new technology, told NBC News MACH in an email.For the research, Chan and his colleagues used sewing machines and off-the-shelf conductive thread to create magnetizable embroidery. Then, they used a magnet to "program" sections of the embroidery with positive or negative poles to represent the zeros and ones of digital passcodes. These resulting codes can be read by a magnetometer, an inexpensive sensor that detects magnetic fields.



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