In my previous article I explained what SmartCash is about and how the different systems works.
In this article I would like to introduce you to the SmartCash Web Wallet a little bit more in-depth.
I'm sure most of you can probably navigate the Web Wallet and do just fine, but I find something like this could help anyone new in the space with learning about how to use wallets and features within. So if you have any friends you want to introduce, feel free to show them!
The SmartCash Web-Wallet is developed to be an easily accessable and a very user friendly wallet.
In my opinion It really lives up to those criteria!
(Make sure the URL is correct)To use the Web Wallet you first have to go to:
On the first launch, you go through a brief registration.
Important note about this process is to make sure that you save your Master Security Code and Private Key on a safe location. Anonymity is something SmartCash values and no name or email is required.
On your first login you have one last chance to make sure that you saved the Code and Private Key.
Good advice is to use a program like KEEPASS and save the keys on a seperate USB stick or a papper-wallet to make sure that you can recover your wallet.
Once we finished the simple registration of your new Web-Wallet, we can finally dig into the features!
In the home page you are welcomed by the Overview page which shows you the general wallet adresses and your balance.
These addresses can all be used for storing (SmartRewards), sending and receiving SmartCash!
(The names are just labels to keep it simple to distinguish the addressess apart)
SmartCash is extremely fast when it comes to doing transactions.
To demonstrate how to make transactions and how fast they process and confirm, I transfered a few SmartCash to my new wallet and will show you how I create and execute a transaction.
I copied my designated receiving address and opened the "Send" tab.
In the tab at the top I selected the wallet I want to transfer from and in the first field I pasted the address for my transaction.
To verify my transaction I input my password and press "Send". Voila! That's all it takes!
The transcation was confirmed in 6 seconds!! That's how incredibly fast SmartCash is!
To receive transactions the process is even easier.
You simply copy the address of the designated wallet address in "Overview" or go to the "Receive" tab in the lefthandside menu.
In the receive tab you have a QR code to make it simple to copy the address.
In the "Transactions" tab you can view your transaction history.
If you want to save a contact address, you can easily do so by typing a lable and the wallet address in the "Contacts" tab on the lefthandside menu. You can also use Web Wallet usernames to send transactions!
Like I previously mentioned SmartCash is more than just a Blockchain used for sending and receive funds.
SmartCash is a community governance, cooperation & growth focused blockchain based currency & a decentralized economy.
This means that the community has room for decisions. One of the systems that show this is the SmartHive.
The community provide proposals on projects and things that can make SmartCash even better.
In order to realize these proposals the community votes on them and allocates funds from the SmartHive if they pass.
In the tab called "Voting" you can do just that!
When you enter the voting page you see all the ongoing and passed proposals.
Each coin in your wallet is essentially worth 1 "vote".
To get involved and make your voice heard, you choose a proposal and vote!
As seen below I chose the proposal for a Discord/Telegram Monitor and decided it's a good proposal, thus voting Yes and confirming my vote with my password!
None of my funds are spent, they just determine the weight of my vote!
I think this creates an awesome possibility to make a real difference and creates an oportunity to really help our society by the use of Blockchain!
Do you have any ideas for a proposal? Submit it here
These are the basics of the Web Wallet!
If you havn't already!
Begin with researching about the project in this guide or the official website.
If you are interested in buying some SmartCash.
It is available on CryptoBridge/HitBTC/Stocks.Exchange/CoinExchange or get SmartCash through mining in one of the official mining pools.
If you have any questions, proposals or suggestions, join our community through one of the links below!
My smart address:ShobqadWUjuBrKQmgKWcRgYaCnG41pr1pF
Thanks for sharing, @allemeister it's a complete instruction man.
Is that a good or bad thing :)? I figgured the guide would be neat for someone that introduces people that are completely unaware how wallets & features work. I hope it does justice!
Great article. I've been using the web wallet ever since I owned smartcash and I have no problems with it.
Cheers yvvng! Yeah, the web wallet is convenient to say the least :D!
Also a good guide! Will try the web wallet out, seems less of a hassle to use.
Only been using desktop so far.
I want to know the whole world of smart cash
Hey @salekbd! Happy to hear :) Here is a guide that gives you an idea about each part of SmartCash!
I got to know something about smart cash, but I did not know what I learned, but I would like to know more
I got to know something about smart cash, but I did not know what I learned, but I would like to know more
I would like to know more about Smart Cash
@smartbot tip @allemeister 10
Σ$$$ Tipped @allemeister
! Comment@smartbot help
to claim. Currently the price of SmartCash in the market is$0.277 USD
. Current value of the tip is$2.77 USD
. To find out more about SmartCash, please visit forget that you can send only with the username try with oucan :P
I actually didn't know this :D! That's awesome!