SMARTCASH REVIEW: A Look Back Over 2017!

in #smartcash7 years ago

I made a little video yesterday talking about SmartCash and what the good stuff has been over 2017!

Plus a couple of exciting things to come in 2018

Stop by my channel and check it out if you are a SmartCash lover like me... or just curious to know more about SmartCash. I would love if you left me a like and a comment on youtube to say Hi and what it is you love about SmartCash :)

Hope you are having a happy 2018 so far!


Awesome, this video lifted the bar so high the roof blew off...

hahaha :) thank you

Excellent, I'm going to immediately Youtube!

aww thank you @viera

Thank you very much for posting so beautiful a post to us

Yeah hats off to the Smartcash guys and gals. Really well done!

Great video. Very informative. Can't wait to start my masternode 😁

I got into smart cash for the smart rewards, and that community feel. Outside of straight price action and functionality I think community is one of the biggest things in crypto.

Smartcash is gonna be big this year!

@hannahlicious Great Video. Looking forward to enjoy the ride with SmartCash on 2018

what services can i offer to smartcash, i really wanna join this awesome team, if i should do a song like i have been doing for every one i endorse will i be part of the team pls hannah, check my blog to see songs o have done they are lovely and i think smart cash also needs a theme and song for promotional use,