
Σ$$$ Tipped @dexter-k Σ25 SMART! Comment @smartbot help to claim. Currently the price of SmartCash in the market is $0.752 USD per SMART. Current value of the tip is $18.80 USD. To find out more about SmartCash, please visit

@smartbot help

You can use the following commands:

  • balance - displays your current wallet balance
  • address- displays your deposit address
  • withdraw <amount> <address> - withdraws the amount of SMART to address
  • tip <usernamegt; <amount> - sends the amount of SMART to username
  • terms - displays terms and conditions for using @smartbot

@smartbot balance

You have Σ25 SMART (unconfirmed: Σ0 SMART).

@smartbot address

Your deposit address is SVWgLLkkZD5Uu1BqrGPMqoPRzMPsgUUJPE. Please keep in mind that this is not your permanent address; once you deposit into this address, a new deposit address will be generated for you.