One of the COOLEST, QUICKEST, PAINLESS, AND EASIEST way to pay ever, has just been tested by one of the SmartCash team developers and looks what happens.

One of the COOLEST, QUICKEST, PAINLESS, AND EASIEST way to pay ever, has just been tested by one of the SmartCash team developers and looks what happens.
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Muy interesante el primer el video @melip y el segundo me podrias decir si no es mucha molestia que se expresa en el mismo
Hola es un resumen de que trata smartcash aca lo puedes ver en español
Muchas gracias @cyb3rmixao 😊. Te sigo!
Bueno, gracias a ti, si guasta ve este post que acabo de poner en español
Lo acabo de ver y de votar por el, me encanta todo tu blog 😊
Ja ja ja, yo ya te seguía pero había visto solo post en ingles, no sabia que hablabas español, es gracioso, gracias.
Muy gracioso 😆
Gracias, muy interesante todas las ventajas que nos ofrece SmartCash
Y aún no ha comenzado la cuenta regresiva para su despegue 🚀 😊
Ya tambien vi la publicacion de @cyb3rmixao y hay que aprovechar esta oportunidad para adquirir SmartCash, y esperar su despegue definitivo
Muchas gracias, vi tu post y te deje un comentario, saludos.
Now I wish to visit Brazil and try this ! ..
nice post..
thanks for sharing..@melip @upvoted & @resteemed
its informative post dear. thanks for sharing...
@upvote & @resteem done
nice post..@melip @upvoted & @resteemed
Great video!
Happy day @melip, excellent news that good that is already running thanks for sharing
i believe in smart cash
Do you have any?
yes !!!
Hello @melip, amazing that very advanced technology, hopefully and one day arrive to VENEZUELA is very fast and effective great
It is already in Venezuela, chances are, it will be adopted sooner than in other country.
Thanks for the information @melip very important
What is your view on this crypto? I can't be that much optimistic since same items are already in the market...
Hey there. I think you are a little pessimistic to receive the news about SmartCash.
Just to mention some aspects to this Great Crypto, so yes, I’m very OPTIMISTIC 😊
Wow... did not have this much of info. with me...will investigate more about them
woww awesome video clip...@melip
Woooooooooooooooow this confirms it all, hearing about the smartband, didn't know how it does work. now i know 😍 😍 😍 😍
excellent video. Smartcash Bands and smartcard are gonna kill all the other cryptos. cannot wait what great ideas.
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