
@newall: Σ149.99 SMART has been withdrawn from your account to SPJDFuQ72TDLXUX6e9P5W9g7WnfbfSNkRY. You have been charged Σ0.01 SMART withdrawal fee. Transaction 337862cc54231a38eebd3e09706089c630a89df763f6a3ae19d0f4e6c4de46a3 is now completed. To monitor the transaction status click HERE.

@smartbot balance

You have Σ120 SMART (unconfirmed: Σ0 SMART).

@smartbot withdraw 150 SPJDFuQ72TDLXUX6e9P5W9g7WnfbfSNkRY

Sorry newall, you only have Σ120 SMART.

@smartbot withdraw 120 SPJDFuQ72TDLXUX6e9P5W9g7WnfbfSNkRY

@newall: Σ119.99 SMART has been withdrawn from your account to SPJDFuQ72TDLXUX6e9P5W9g7WnfbfSNkRY. You have been charged Σ0.01 SMART withdrawal fee. Transaction 8f430ff1884ac0355c1636197fe0863123ab3f8d2ada2567db9c3313cb3790ed is now completed. To monitor the transaction status click HERE.