@tdntv: Σ9.99 SMART has been withdrawn from your account to STS2U6dLcVgjLiDfHCZgNZJDhciiUxPPtz. You have been charged Σ0.01 SMART withdrawal fee. Transaction 0d65bddddc45df06dcd45f14fe5856ba81dc5e873b58d32d4d23954547e0ecb6 is now completed. To monitor the transaction status click HERE.
withdraw 10 STS2U6dLcVgjLiDfHCZgNZJDhciiUxPPtz
has been withdrawn from your account toSTS2U6dLcVgjLiDfHCZgNZJDhciiUxPPtz
. You have been chargedΣ0.01 SMART
withdrawal fee. Transaction0d65bddddc45df06dcd45f14fe5856ba81dc5e873b58d32d4d23954547e0ecb6
is now completed. To monitor the transaction status click HERE.