Smartcard is an ingeniously innovative concept set to revolutionize the way payments are made currently. The smartcard is a simple way of having Smartcash on a physical card like a debit/credit card. No longer is a phone/smartphone or internet connection needed to access your Smartcash. The Smartcash works exactly like the regular debit or credit card but one unique difference with others is this, it is not controlled by any 3rd party processors or banking/financial institutions acting as intermediaries. It does not use the visa/mastercard fiat payment system, but payments are made crypto to crypto
Currently daily transactions online, at shopping malls, at ATM centers and all payment channels in operation presently use debit and credit cards as the predominant way of carrying out transactions. Card payment systems have come to be more widely accepted globally, as advancements in technology have facilitated its adoption, and made way even newer more powerful solutions like smartphone powered payments.
The Smartcard payment system was conceptualized to solve many of the problems facing traditional systems, and adoption of cryptocurrency payment options. Smartcard is a Smartcash blockchain powered solution aimed at bringing the cryptocurrency payment system to the fiat world via the debit/credit card method. This will ultimately make Smartcash of practical use in real-life payment scenarios. To achieve this aim, Smartcash is striving to reduce transaction fees and processing speed of transactions to remain competitive with and eventually surpass those of the traditional systems currently in operation.
Currently, both the cryptocurrency and fiat payment solutions still have a long way to go before they reach the utopia of payment solutions. Transaction fees of even 3% and higher can result in substantial losses over time for many businesses, Smartcash aims at curbing excessive transaction fees and pave the way to become the ideal payment processor at all stores online and offline. Fiat payment systems require access to traditional banking services for both buyers and sellers to facilitate payment transactions, this can pose major problems as 3rd party intermediaries can cause bottlenecks in payment processes, such as delayed confirmations, errors in processing, erratic fee structures and hidden charges, subject to government manipulation. These make the current fiat payment systems very unattractive. Using the smartcard however, will eliminate entirely the present limitations of payment cards. Smartcard is the ideal cryptocurrency alternative to the debit card. It uses the smartcash blockchain, verifies transactions of any size and frequency. The fees for using Smartcard are around 0%, costing fractions of a cent to process transactions of any amount. Payments are instantly confirmed, there are no delays between authorization, disbursement and transfer of funds between buyer and seller.
Payments made with Smartcard combine the best of all worlds (cash, card, crypto). Money changes hands instantly like cash payments, transactions are authorized first by buyer using a secure code like card payments, secure codes are digitally stored on smartphones or printed and used as QR codes like crypto payments. This makes it far easier to make and receive crypto payments than doing same manually from a smartphone or mobile app.
There are 5 major reasons why Smartcards are the best payment solutions
- 0% transaction fees
- Highly secure
- Uses easy to implement plastic cards
- Carry funds around without need of internet connection to access funds
- Payment confirmation speed is in fraction of seconds
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to claim. Currently the price of SmartCash in the market is$0.070 USD
. Current value of the tip is$2.10 USD
. To find out more about SmartCash, please visit