SMARTCASH Proposals That Are Still Open To Voting (8th May, 2018)

in #smartcash7 years ago
Community Budget: Σ 813,584,789.25


Category: Creativity
#226 Smartcash Beer and Community Building
By juanjo2012
Votes: Yes(86%) No(13%)

Category: Outreach
#390 Sponsorship eSport player
By matheushgas
Votes: Yes(96%) No(3%)

Category: Creativity
#391 SmartCash Snapchat Filters and Snapchat Marketing
By Angela7390
Votes: Yes(14%) No(85%)

Category: Outreach
#393 Dash/Smartcash pair liquidity.
By Younglegend
Votes: Yes(19%) No(80%)

Category: Outreach
#394 SMARTSUNDAYS in Mexico City in May/June
By Endlessfun
Votes: Yes(99%) No(0%)

Category: Outreach
#395 Massive adoption program for merchants and businesses, increase usage and expanding outreach
By Issah Shitu
Votes: Yes(56%) No(43%)

Visit the Smart Hive Governance Portal here for full details of proposals to vote on and cast your votes now.
Your voice matters! Your Vote counts!
You have a say in How SmartCash funds are disbursed.
The growth and success of the SmartCash community depends on you!!!

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Thank you for reminding us again on how amaizing the #smartcash community and the Budget there is to improve our community!

@smartbot balance

You have Σ31 SMART (unconfirmed: Σ0 SMART).