@walterben: Σ29.99 SMART has been withdrawn from your account to SY1C3djAqVSoKH7bxZjgXT1ZvWG6CVXuw1. You have been charged Σ0.01 SMART withdrawal fee. Transaction fe8c1a313d646a399c2d69789ad770b275d384bf11c66aff0c9d01bcccf7f0b9 is now completed. To monitor the transaction status click HERE.
Σ29.99 SMART
has been withdrawn from your account toSY1C3djAqVSoKH7bxZjgXT1ZvWG6CVXuw1
. You have been chargedΣ0.01 SMART
withdrawal fee. Transactionfe8c1a313d646a399c2d69789ad770b275d384bf11c66aff0c9d01bcccf7f0b9
is now completed. To monitor the transaction status click HERE.