FundersToken System (Abbr. FsTK System) is a service-based product to support corporate digitalize business and operate CRM (customer relationship management) through the blockchain technology. This system is entirely flexible for corporate user to DIY setup, meaning their venture can be tokenized without any coding or programming . Furthermore, APIs can also allow user to create dynamics of usage, including initial token offerings and issuance.
There are two types of crypto-assets within the FsTk system, Smart Tokens and Smart Voucher. Vouchers can be exchanged via Tokens. While Token are a vehicle of ownership for smart contract, Voucher is a vehicle for goods, services and concepts. The role of a voucher within the token system is listed below.
(1) Diversification tool
For competitiveness, business can issue diverse Vouchers to increase the value provided by their venture.
(2)Evaluable benchmark
Due to the value of voucher is de ned by the contained goods and services. Funders can evaluate the prices of the Token based on the exchangeability of Voucher.
Customer Perception is the key to business performance and reputation in its community. FundersToken delivers a model to engage customer perceive values through our vehicle.
When the relationship with customer does not only include purchase, but also partnership, influence and investment, customers join the business ecosystem profoundly. We believe this group of critical customers is called FUNDERs.
We believe that the blockchain revolution is here to stay and have the potential to bring a revolution towards digitalization. Combining our flexible tools to aid businesses in adapting or joining the blockchain ecosystem, FundersToken altogether changes the way Customer Relationship Management are organized and executed.
The key for CRM is to build the effective engagement with the right people. Traditionally, it is hard to track them. However, within the FsTK system, you can identify these Funders easily by the amount of the tokens or Specific Vouchers that they hold.
Thus, we have included the rewards and voting functions to create a new set of CRM strategy.
(1) Voting (Also Option)
Corporate setup multiple options, send the survey/vote sheet, and wait for their answer to the specific Funders. Corporate is allowed to define that whether the Funders need to consume tokens/specific-Vouchers to express opinion. This is related to “Crowd-Sourcing”, “Data” and “Know-Your-Customers”.
(2) Rewards
Business can send Tokens or Vouchers to different Funders by what they hold via FsTK system. This action is related to “marketing”, “promotion”, “gifting”, “rewarding” or “returning”.
According to these features, our product can at least achieve Coin Offerings. However, the most we can do is Business Augmentation for Customer Relationship Management.
This post has been ranked within the top 25 most undervalued posts in the second half of Sep 29. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $48.45 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.
See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Sep 29 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.
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