I want to tell about nodes:
Platform in itself technically consists of two kinds of nodes:
Level A delegates – SmartHoldem participants, supporting the servers function, provide network functions and develop new blocks with transactions. It is necessary to install and set up special server. The number of the first level delegates at the start is limited to 64 persons. Any participant can become a delegate if he or she can win a sufficient number of votes. If a delegate does not do his job – stopped signing blocks, a new delegate being beyond a list of 64 participants, can take his place, in other words, delegates, waiting for own turn, maybe more and more. In effect, a network is supported by the qualitative servers, consisted of the delegates. Pure democracy model is run here.
Level B delegates – the special SmartHoldem nodes, responsible for distribution prize fund of the gameplays, obtained in poker game, for example. A winner can pick his money by deducting small rake percent. These commission fees are used to reward «mainers» for their supporting network. In order to become a level B delegate it is necessary to set up complete node, rather than a level A delegate, it is enough to have accessible in online mode computer, Raspberry PI also will serve, and there is need of minimal balance from 10. 000 and even more SmartHoldem coins. The more the second level being in operation, the better network stability is and less stock money on change. We do not forget about small token holders, for example, user who has 2. 000 coins on his own balance, can take the part in prize fund distribution from the gameplays, leased out his/her balance to the complete level B node.
More info: https://member.smartholdem.io/news/interview-techn0log
Thank you!