A long time ago (1999 and 2000), I worked with a bunch of guys in Canada on an interesting project all involved with money.
The called it iMoney
I wonder where that name went - it was well before Apple grabbed all of that high ground with the iPod.
I would be looking for a word with the word money in it. SmartMoney is better for all the reasons you suggest. But I am not sure it is the best. All the best marketing names and ideas (other than the abstract ones) build the benefits and the emotional hooks into the names.
PayPal is a great example. SecurePay is another .
Thinking hats on.
Good points. In PayPal's case, I think it wasn't the name that drove (or hindered) adoption, it was the network effect. The biggest part of that network effect was eBay, and that from fairly early on (before eBay acquired them), it was often used as a payment method. I was an early eBay user, in the last century even. My first purchases used money orders sent through the mail. :)