That daughter won't have anything to do with me now. So I treasure my memories of her. She always had a favorite and a best, so allowed herself to pick two things. She ran around barefoot and wondered why everyone didn't. And she was (and still is) a wonderful visual artist, as was her sister.
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Sorry to hear that she is not in touch with you. It must be painful. She sounds like an interesting woman.
It is painful. "Honor your parents" is taught for a reason, and is primarily for the benefit of the child, not the parent. I don't fault her. The breakup of my marriage involved anger, yelling, and violence, and this daughter was harmed by it much more than her older sister.
I am an activist because of that experience. "Activist" is an understatement. For me, it is a personal war against selfishness that has become the reason for all that I do. So I have thought deeply about selfishness, what I can personally do about it, and what can be accomplished if others get involved.
Interesting. Selfishness is an outcome of ego driven and fear, which is a problem with most people. I don't know much about "war against", I prefer working on growing up in conciseness and in love. Which probably what you mean. Understanding that working together and helping others is the only way for everyone.
I am extremely "left brain", which means that you need to mix me equal parts with "right brained" people. @cause-no-harm and I have been conversing, and your remark resembles some that he has made.
By "unselfish", I mean "wholesomely connected", which is also my definition of "love" as in the Love Teaching of Jesus (or of Hillel). For me, as well as for @cause-no-harm I think, it is all about connection.
Me speaking of my "war on selfishness" exposes the pattern of my thinking as the thinking of a warrior. My life is the life of a warrior, in the sense that I experience life as a constant battle in which I face enemies who use force to try to destroy me.
But even a warrior cannot sustain himself on a battlefield for more than a few minutes. Without a "village", a warrior has nowhere to retreat in order to rest and recover, and he also has nothing to fight for, no reason to be a warrior.
My thirst for community, for a village, is thus as urgent as is my thirst for "blood". I'm speaking metaphorically here; my activism is not violent, and my fighting occurs with words in a courtroom.
I've done a test once to see if I am left or right brain and the results showed that I am exactly in the middle - which explains my balance between the world of logic and intuition.I see. interesting. Are you familiar with Tom Campbell work? If you have time I recommend listening to him on YouTube. -
Just watched a few minutes into two of the videos I found there. They were very long videos. (4+ hours each.) Perhaps in our conversation I will get a sense of his ideas as you've understood them.
I'm new here and would be pleased to become acquainted with you, your thoughts, whatever you want to share.
Sure, I will be happy to share some of his ideas with you. There are few short videos (2 minutes) there that try to give a description about his theories, maybe you can try them?