
Wow! Beautiful photography. 🤗❤
Thanks @kirkins for sharing this post.

It must be good to have startbucks at the Mont-Royal.

It's great!

Btw how do you take those gif shots on your phone or how do you create them. Btw I've tried kindle and the e-ink screen is a great invention,but not for me.

I love e-ink. Paper is nice too, but the problem is books get too heavy to carry around. I can fit this kindle in a coat pocket.

As for the GIFs it's part of the Pixel 2 phone from Google. I stopped uploading them since both Busy and Steemit added checks to prevent really large photos.

Howdy.. Strolling adventure aye..
You know French?

Been learning slowly for a long time.

great job!!! thanks for the beauty

I'm glad you like it.

Amazing Photoshot . I Love it

Thanks you try taking your own photos some time.

The first picture is really great; the sun is so bright and shiny!