@Ilyastarar I'm still very dubious on the practice of buying and selling votes. I can understand it's very tempting but it still seems kind of unethical and somewhat dishonest to me. Could you please tell me if my feelings and general assessment of these kinds of applications are naïeve and/or unfounded? I hope you'll respond.
I enjoyed reading the post.
There are two vote selling services and many bid bots in operation. I have covered use and abuse of bid bots just yesterday. You find it interesting and even useful. On vote selling, I am pretty confident that using your SP to earn something is pretty much ethical. I won't stop voting for others just to earn money though. I think keeping a balance is the key. I won't approve not voting for content in general and just selling votes.
Thank you for your reply. I need to read the article again because I forgot after a couple of days. But my first inclination is to stay away from upvote bots and services. I can always take a look at them later. Thanks again for all the info!