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RE: New Feature: Request a Curation Review By Burning STEEM & SBD

in #smartsteem6 years ago

To prevent too much spillage from my extreme talent at popular opinion into the constructs and attempts at creation i'm trying on this here small niche on planet Crypton, @yapcat will be doing the talking instead of the utilities ...

It's been a rocky road, to say the very least and i seriously disagree with a lot of the salespitch, i KNOW they're trying but i feel they don't feel the outside world and maybe should try living in it for a bit sometimes. When you're cooped up too long (and i would know) things become skewed, you think your world expands but you're basically sitting in your corner in a dark walled-off place that the rest of the world knows nothing about and its not that hard to lose perspective that way. The HF has, from most viewpoints i can gather, made a move towards empowering the people who are already in the money while keeping the frontpage at "post stuff : get money" ... and a lot more ... exclamations on twitter like "just buy it, dont ask questions" sound a bit like ...
like euh ... well, like ojou-sama grew up with seven maids and a butler, actually, no offense there, i assume it's all in good faith but what's shouted out as "masses" is mostly aimed at "middle classes" and what i personally think is that its the skewed perspective of people who have never been wanting for money.

Mass adoption is a definite goal, but , mass adoption is a goal to create bulk numbers and those are used to attract major ad-money and investors. To pitch it like "bring a friend and some money" really sounds like ponzi-up to feed the whale, wether they realize that or not .. 100.000 plankton with a $20 in their pocket willing to spend to be able to post puppies wont make a dent compared to one major ad-budget like greenpeace (gods knows theres plenty of green-folk, freedom&nature-lovers here ... and that's just one example of what could potentially be aimed at)
and that's why it needs more, not so everyone can just pitch in to feed the whale ...
as i said, i am convinved they mostly believe what they say but have no clue how it all sounds to a lot of people ... and i have read more than one since d-day on how posting has become a liability, especially promoting it. Ive already seen one person going down to zero within two hours on a post that cried out not to overdo the downvoting, plain censorship if you ask me ... but if you ask "them" it will probably have been abuse. They got all reins loose now, morally justified to hunt in packs and im definitely not convinced THAT is a good thing ...

that said, i havent downvoted once (except once on myself, probably high or something and misclicked heh) and im not gonna start because its free ...

this things got a long way to go, if it will even surive, there's very little compassion in the marketplace and it IS finance these days, not a movement simply anymore and finance is whale-street and whale-street doesnt look back when it comes to making money or how many families lose their sandwich spread because they do ... and wow

that's why i called it @yapcat i think ehhe, 60sp should do it ... i wonder if i can get to any kind of rep over zero within the year by never posting and just yapping ...

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That's too long, but I agree with some of what you said. Rich are only get Richer~