Positivism makes Everything Possible-Smile

in #smile7 years ago

The beautiful curve you can have on your face is your smile.
This can give you a good impression of others.
And smiling is one of the best and easiest way to show kindness.


While I am sitting in the park, some people walking through noticed me.
I smile at them, and they smile back.
A smile is contagious.
It’s nice to give a good day to someone through smiling.
The following day a woman with a short hair greeted me and she said “I saw you yesterday.
You brightened up my day” I remember her.
She is one of the girls at the park.
That day she felt sad and stress because of her work.
But seeing someone smiling gave her a cheerful and good mood.
And so we make time to see each other again.
Even I don’t know her at first, because of a natural and beautiful smile, we became friends.
Sometimes we feel downhearted, but if we see a friendly smile it can lift our weary heart.
We can make a difference with words or through our actions.
But sometimes we just really need to show that curve in our face, the smile.
So keep smiling!