Good afternoon.
I would like to offer you a new direction for consumers. This is Smoke. network .What is. A network is a decentralized and unchanged decentralized application (DApp), adapted to the needs and needs of cannabis users, and SMOKE is a coin that supports it. To learn more, read our page, tone deck or technical documentation. Our first minimally viable product (MVP),, is currently in development and should be released in the second quarter of 2018.
The platform is based on the deep potential of blockchain technology to transform the way of interaction on the Internet. Based on the technology developed by Bitkoyn and Dan Larimer in relation to the mutual aid society, it allows content creators to earn real rewards for their contribution to the network. This model has several advantages over traditional applications for social networks, which are centralized and based on profits for the elite, not for the entire network. Despite the fact that it is not without obstacles, we firmly believe that the Smoke Network has the right to transform the online space of cannabis through a special team, a notebook platform (EOS) and a strong global community of cannabis users willing to accept the freedom and principles outlined in the use of technology blockchain.
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I want to briefly talk about MVP capabilities. This is the first interface-based minimal viable application (MVP) running on the EOS block-chain, will contain the basic network functions in the social networks on the network and demonstrate the ability to view, increase and receive payment for the contribution to the network in the wallet at The main feature of includes a simplified user registration page, a customizable home page filtered by content type, a search page for searching and learning new content on the fly, a wallet page for managing the content processed and processed loans and processing tabs, profile page for viewing and editing profile information, as well as a page of basic settings for configuring your experience on the network.
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