in #smoke7 years ago


You wouldn't believe that most people who criticize the herb as a hard drug have not gotten a feel of how it feels like, how can you criticize what you haven't gotten an experience of, i don't know if you've tried it before and it made you felt bad, that means you are not for it. what about those who loved the feeling; are you gonna impose your idea on them, the answer is NO. Everybody with what he or she likes. I love the feel of this drug.

<p><img src="" alt="images.png" /> <p>Oh sweet weed, i cherish your creation and existence, most people have begin to realize the importance of this drug which has been an instrument in the pharmaceutical industry. it is used to kill insomnia, to boost appetite for those that are unable to eat properly, it burns down unnecessary fat in the body. and it cures so many ailments in the body which you are not aware that are in your body. it is such an all doing drug that's why i call it the SPIRITUAL HERB. <p><img src="" alt="hfhh.jpg" /> <p>From the latest research made on this drug, it has been found that it kills cancerous growth by killing the cancer cells. though the drug shouldn't be abused, but you can't take away the importance of it to mankind, its far more better than narcotics since it is a natural leave. Nations have come to realize it is an important drug that's why they have started legalizing it in some places. and we've got many species of this great WEED. It can be utilized the way you like using it, by cooking with it, smoking it, drinking it as tea etc or which ever way you want to blend it. For me i love SMOKING IT. I still remain my good self even if i smoke. But one of the best ways of utilizing it is SMOKING IT..... THEN YOU HAVE THE FEEL........ <p><img src="" alt="joints_shutterstock-52960849.jpg" /> <p>LET ME TELL YOU A STORY OF HOW MARIJUANA SAVED MY UNCLES LIFE <p>My uncle was okay before and happily married with a successful wife and children, he then lost his beautiful wife, he was so sad and it caused him a trauma and then caused him psychological problems. it felt the world was over for him. And worst of all, he got insomnia and couldn't sleep and the stress kept him restless, he couldn't eat because of very low appetite and his legs were all swollen, Though he smokes cigarette and smoked cigars heavily in the cause of his problems and he always argued that marijuana is a hard and bad drug because his friends who smoked advised him to try it. One day he summoned the courage to try it. and when he smoked some of the wisdom leave from his friend, it was like a new beginning for him.<br /> He felt hungry and felt like eating something, he ate large and slept like a baby. his elder brother was surprised he could sleep deeply for once, when he woke up, he was feeling revitalized and he sweated heavily from all over his body when he woke up. he was feeling more stress free.<br /> He went straight to his friend who told him to try the WEED. He was amazed that such a drug he has criticized for long is what is curing his ailments he had suffered for months. He quickly requested for more of it and after taking it, he felt that same sign of relieve and got his appetite right. his swollen legs started coming down. NOW HE IS NORMAL AND ONE OF THE HAPPIEST MAN ON EARTH PROMOTING THE COURSE FOR THE LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA. <p><img src="" alt="8686868.jpg" /> <p>All those of you suffering from one ailments or the other, especially stress related ailments, MARIJUANA might be a good way to help you out. <p>TAKE CARE MY FRIENDS, IT'S SUCH A GREAT HERB

Most people are not conscious and are just believing in what they are told.