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RE: Up in Smoke

in #smoking6 years ago

I feel you sir Tom,i was addicted on smoke since i am 15 years old. you know if you started of making smoke as an habbit it is too difficukt to get out of it because everytime you finiah your food,everytime you are bored and almost everything you did,except if you are at the office that was closed and had aircon you always want to play on that smoke.

Quitting smoke is not easy i've tried it many times and many years but i fail,but i never give up hoping of quitting smoke i tried everything as i could. Until i surrendered all to Jesus i Prayed to have fear on Him of doing those thing and it's not easy it tooks more years before i success. Thank God 2 years untill now i made it with the help and prayed by God..

Such a great story of you sir Tom. God Bless!