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RE: Up in Smoke

in #smoking6 years ago

I quit about 10 years ago, cold turkey. I would like to say it was easy, as it was not. 10 years later, still not easy. They hardest part was not the actual stopping, it was managing the triggers. The after a large meal, or that part of the commute into work, or simply the quiet time in the morning. I had to break those, not smoking was much easier when I found away to reprogram my mind to stop the desire during those trigger points. Saying that, I still want them. I miss the taste, the occasional buzz, and just the relaxing nature of getting a minute to myself. I am also a firm believer, that people quit when they are ready to quit, not before. If you are ready to quit and want to, not need to, but want to, you will quit.


The large meal trigger is pretty bad, dessert anyone? :)