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RE: Up in Smoke

in #smoking6 years ago

Good Luck.
I quit cigs 9/11/09 and switched to an early model e-cig. The tech was shit so the thing didn't work the best, but that was a benefit. I used the e-cig like a fiend at first, but after a couple of weeks I was gradually using it less. By about April of 2010 I realized that I hardly took the thing out of my pocket during the day and so I tossed it in a drawer. That was that.

The worst part for me was the fact that I "lost" my reason to go outside... which was a bullshit excuse anyway. Like mentioned above, those triggers and rewards are hard to change. In the end it came down to actually making the decision to switch, once that was made things flowed from there.

Every mind is different and requires different stimuli to enact a change.