in #smoking7 years ago (edited)


most of the causes of death in this world are heart disease, is it true cigarettes or vape is the main cause, from some of article that said the cause of death caused by cigarettes is only 25% does that mean cigarette is the biggest cause of death, i dont think so.because from some sides of cigarettes can basically avoid from exposure to alzheimer disease but, that does not mean cigarette is good then how with vape, vape is a new thing in the world that contains substances almost the same as cigarettes but there has been no research that will be sure of it. so I think cigarettes is not the cause of death, even junk food and things we often encounter everyday more dangerous than cigarettes and vape suppose vehicle fumes and foods that have been contaminated with chemicals more deadly. so, how about you?


Halo nastasiaa,,, tags jih 5 boh neuboh,,, salah saboh jih esteem,