Friday Morning Simple Smoothie

in #smoothie8 years ago

Good morning friends!

It's 8 something in the morning as I'm writing this post. Lately I've been falling into one of my very bad habits and that is skipping breakfast and start my day with coffee. So this morning when I got up I literally told myself:

"Nikolina, you're gonna make that smoothie, coffee can wait!" :)


As I was browsing through the kitchen, I found two small bananas, one apple, oatmeal, cinnamon and cacao powder. And I just added water to the blender and mix everything together.


What I like about smoothies is that you can make so many different combinations so you never get bored having them. On some days you can keep it pretty simple, like me this morning or you can really go in with many different ingredients.


Starting your day right can set the mood for the rest of your day!

Having a healthy, peaceful and meaningful morning routine is a life changer. Nice breakfast and a cup of coffee, inspiring music, making a to-do list for the day, workout... Whatever makes you feel good. (I will dedicate an entire post to this)


Right now I'm listening to some music and writing this post. Then I have to delete some files form my laptop and phone (too much junk!), I'll check Steemit for a little bit, write my to-do list for the weekend and do Uni work.

How do you like to start your day? What makes you productive and energized?

Thank you for reading! Happy Friday!


Good morning Nikoline! Bon apetit ! Have a wounderful day! :) :*

Ooh, look who's back! :D It's good to see you here!
Thank you, I wish you a wonderful day too! :*

Hej, imam jos jedno pitanje za tebe, a nemam gde da te kontaktiram, pa cu ovde :) Sumnjam da ce neko da prevodi.. Vidim da si i ti imala par postova sa dobrom zaradom, tipa preko 80$.. U cemu je fora? Da li je to slucajnost ili znas za neku da kazem "caku".. Hvala unapred i izvini sto je u komentarima!
PS Ja te upvotujem, ali nemas jos neke zarade od mene :(

Ako postoji neka caka, ja je ne znam! :) Za mene je to bila sreca, nekada mi glasa neko ko je bas uticajan (da se tako izrazim), pa mi taj jedan ili nekoliko takvih ljudi donese mnogo vise zarade nego obicno. Onaj jedini post na kome imam preko 100$ sam postavila kad je doslo do neke promene na Steemit-u pa su svi glasovi drasticno skocili. Moj upvote je tada bio oko 0.80 - 0.90$ a sada je negde oko 0.15$.
Nema problema, slobodno mi pisi sta te zanima, ne smeta mi da ovako javno pisem o tome. :D

Divna si! Znaci i sreca je presudna :)
Onda ne brinem :)

I start with coffee. Then I usually have some more coffee.
Then with my lunch I will have coffee.
Often after dinner I will have a cup of coffee.

Oh, that's a lot of coffee. :)
I always feel I have that love-hate relationship with coffee, I stopped drinking it for a while but then I started again.
Thank you for you comment!