Dear @paulag
I'm quite amazed that you think about launching your own SMT, since noone seem to yet know how and when will SMT roll out.
Personally I'm full of doubts if this product will be usable right away, or will it require some extra work and will be buggy (considering that STINC is behind SMT isn't very reassuring - if it would be team building then I would have more faith).
I have all these bits going on in my head but for some reason, I just can’t seem to tie the bits together.
Correct me if I'm wrong - I believe that it's important to focus on building solid token economy. One that would bring some usage and value to your own token (something that current SE tokens greately are failing at).
It's hard to see how steem can increase in value when there is always more money going out than coming in.
Such a good point. However I got confused once I've read those words:
There is no steem economy. But then steem is not a payment token.
Would that mean that mostly payment tokens need to have an economy implented? I'm wondering what did you mean.
Great read. Upvoted already :)
Yours, Piotr
A payment token would be a token use to pay for goods and services. First, you need a product to sell. Steem is more of an equity token as it represents vests and gives benefits to holding vests.
hi @paulag
I was just going through some older comments and I noticed your reply (for which I never thanked you).
So .... late (but honest) thanks :)
Cheers, Piotr