heyman I have some DMs i telegrammed you with, i was going to ask if I could get an article made about my One Thousand Coin https://onethousandcoin its on EOS and steem engine
I have sent you 1 so you have 0.1% of the max supply. I think it could end up as a very interesting project, and it already sold enough on steem engine to make the account creation fee back :D
Withdraw to EOS by sending OTT to @eos-peg with memo "OTC eosaccount" with eosaccount your eos account name. 1% fee by steemengine, Ill be happy to use SMTs when they come out
I hope everyone recognizes how important steem engine and eos tokens are to SMTs. if we really want to make SMts the big deal we want them to be, we all have a lot of work to do learning from existing token systems on steem engine and eos :) And ill be happy to help everyone get a free eos account for their steem related activities by downloading myeoswallet and illhelppayfor CPu and ram fees on my other project SAND telegram https://t.me/sandiegocoin where i have bloks.io tip bot which can send CPU :)
When SMts come out, I will peg my EOS and Steem engine token to an SMT :)
heyman I have some DMs i telegrammed you with, i was going to ask if I could get an article made about my One Thousand Coin https://onethousandcoin its on EOS and steem engine
I have sent you 1 so you have 0.1% of the max supply. I think it could end up as a very interesting project, and it already sold enough on steem engine to make the account creation fee back :D

Withdraw to EOS by sending OTT to @eos-peg with memo "OTC eosaccount" with eosaccount your eos account name. 1% fee by steemengine, Ill be happy to use SMTs when they come out
I hope everyone recognizes how important steem engine and eos tokens are to SMTs. if we really want to make SMts the big deal we want them to be, we all have a lot of work to do learning from existing token systems on steem engine and eos :) And ill be happy to help everyone get a free eos account for their steem related activities by downloading myeoswallet and illhelppayfor CPu and ram fees on my other project SAND telegram https://t.me/sandiegocoin where i have bloks.io tip bot which can send CPU :)
When SMts come out, I will peg my EOS and Steem engine token to an SMT :)