No man is an island of success and greatness says the old English word. (English proverb). we all need some one who we would lean on to be great in life and the process is called HUMAN RELATIONSHIP.
The so called human relationship is not a day job has the saying says. (Rome was never built in a day). It's a systematic process of development. Starting from Friendship and then to relationship. It's may not be an easy task to keep an high level of HUMAN RELATIONSHIP for a very long period of time. Cause must of youth out there today lacks the ideas and benefit of good HUMAN RELATIONSHIP.
Bellow are few points that would help in getting the best out of every HUMAN RELATIONSHIP.
TOLERANCES:-according to the dictionary is then define has the ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behavior that one dislikes or disagrees with. These is a major point or criteria when building a perfect Human relationship. This habit when cultivated also helps in over looking wrong doing of a friend. And moving one with someone who has previously offended you as if nothing ever went wrong with both parties. 60%-74.5% of youth of this generation lack this notable character in them and in that process it's leads to fall out and total collapse of friendship.
PERSEVERANCE:-this is also a major criteria when building the human relationship perseverance has been defined by the English dictionary has doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. The road may be rough and tough when building a good and formidable human relationship with a fellow out there but one needs to be optimistic and focused. Has there is always a light at the end of every turnel.
UNDERSTANDING :-These is a major key not only to building of Good and perfect human relationship but a key to greatness of life at large. It's been regard has the ability to understand something or someone understanding it's merit and demerit and very other details and information about a friend also helps a lot. Knowing a friend with all his or her character makes one safe and cool with they fellow.
ACCOMMODATING:-friends are said to be in character and in deeds. This is the only reason why friends go from a day old to 20 years. It's because they both fitting in with each other wishes or demands in a helpful way.Good human relationship makes you see someone else's problems has yours and you go ahead to find a preferable solution within the limited period of time. This should never be a one way traffic
REALIBILITY:-when friend find then self reliable they even get to depend on each other even when miles and oceans creates distance between them. This also helps in building trust between them.Trust is also and always the bed rock of greatness.
COMMUNICATION :- These helps a lot when building a perfect human relationship. When friends communicate so often with each other they got an higher quick understanding and wonderful time even with eye closed.
Youth of these generation let us all embrace Good and proper human relationship in other to develop our world.
The key points highlighted are on point! I particularly agree with tolerance. Thanks for this.
You are very correct. Communication, understanding etc are very essential in our everyday relationship with people.
Also, pls try as much as possible to subject your write up for proof-reading before posting. You can get a friend to do that for you.
Are you in Nigeria.
Communication is key
As an intovert i used to be so alone,preferred staying to myself
Now i give myself out and get a piece of others
My life has improved a lot
Thanks for this
That nice. Hope to see you at the top
Tolerance is very essential in human relationship, even in marriages. We must understand that we are different people from different backgrounds, with different ideas and beliefs, and so must give room to accommodate each other. Let's Co habit peacefully.
Great article keep steeming