If you want some conspiracy, the reason might be, Ned and Co want to launch some new project, let's call it NedIt aka Steem with SMT, for which they want once again secure about 80-90% for themselves.
It's very convinient when you can sell three years along, but one drawback is your share in the project sinks from 90% to 30-40%
So they might be willing a new start.
That could be a possibility... but I heard him talk about the foundation 2 months ago and he really sounded destroyed.
Do you remember when he played the guitar in november? I do not think that he could act that well... that would be Oscar-worthy!!! 😉
I also think, assuming 70% of Steem is held by investors, meaning 100 million usd at current prices, is enough money to make one very worried when leaving the house...
Mark Karpeles does not want to keep 1 Billion USD, even though he legally could... he would know that he would not feel safe anymore...
If he does not tell then this is suspicious...I would love to hear @ned explain what he has done for the last 6 months... so actually the conspiracy might be true... He must be doing something... I would not believe that he just is drinking a bottle of whiskey each day...