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RE: Don't Wait for SMTs to Start Building Your Steem App

in #smts7 years ago
having the foresight to build Steem

I thought Dan built it cuz we were splashing Qora all in his face. You mean, Dan and Ned were already building Steemit prior to spamming Qora all over the BitShares forum and going on and on about "decentralized blogging" to the point Dan said he could do it better?

Dammit, my entire life is a lie!

even one that everyone agrees has widespread support within the community

Do you have polling data supporting this claim? And were factors like : most people would rather not get involved in such discussions, nor have the ability to understand the discussion in detail, and therefore do not participate in such "polling", thereby skewing the data in the favor of those who approve of the decision, for they are the most vocal in most all cases.



Get out of here College Boy!