The most Venomous Snake in Africa - by @mambaman

in #snake7 years ago (edited)

Photo by @mambaman

Africa's most venomous snake. Not to be confused with Africa's most dangerous snake - that title rightly belongs to the fearsome Black Mamba.

The Boomslang (African Tree Snake) - you need slightly less venom to kill a man than the Black Mamba but you are far less likely to be bitten by a Boomslang than a Black Mamba.

This Boomslang in the picture is bleeding as it was being attacked by a bird - a Grey Headed Shrike. This is quite ironic as the Boomslang includes birds in it's diet!

The Boomslangs other prey are lizards, chameleons in particular.

Boomslang come in various color variations:

Brown are often females

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Green and black are often males

By William Warby from London, England - Boomslang SnakeUploaded by berichard, CC BY 2.0, Link

The also come in almost black.

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Juveniles have the most interesting colouration.

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There is nothing beautiful than nature

I'm very scared of snakes, so it's interesting to watch them only on the photo

Boomslag Snakes looks so beautiful but too much dangerous, I am also geel Scary from Snakes.

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In the most cases snakes don't do anything to you. They are afraid too. But if they feel threatened they attack.
I follow you now :)

the most deadly snake is a coin that drops value on a day trade when you turn to bite a sandwich lol #humor


im going to just assume you let your elbow drop on the keyboard by mistake lol #humor


Boomslangs are really cute with large eyes, they shy away from people and strike only when provoked. They puff their necks to warn its victim. That even made me like them

You always hear about The Black Mamba, but I have never heard of the Boomslang snake. Its really an amazing looking creature with the the large throat area making it look quite different from other snakes I have seen.

@gavvet, I'm not to be confuse but I get most advance knowledge from you with this title and contents. Now I know boomslang is a most venomous snake. I'll check it more from web. Boomslang has colorful looks. It gives from nature for their attacking mode. Thank you for educative information.

That's very informative post @gavvet. I've heard before black mamba. But never heard Boomslang. My brother follow world geographical project. I think he never heard also Boomslang. I hope to share to him. Best updating.

Very nice work @gavvet. I've set up an automated upvoting bot to reward authentic content like yours on steemit and have added you to the list.

I only knew about black mamba. But Boomslang? Wow amazing... I'll have to do more research about this snake... Beautiful and dangerous.

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Excellent post good analyses thanks for sharing.

wooow very interesting. I thought it was the most toxic black mamba. Thank you for informing me. @gavvet

I actually sow a boomslang this past December in Munster, South Coast South Africa! I swear I nearly died....they love they tropical weather that side.! But im still a lover of snakes a specially if not deadly... lol here is pic of us hugging ❤️

The African boomslap is among the ten most poisonous snakes in the world. In this list he takes the honorable 9th place.

Really this look very dangerous snakes really. As they look dangerous they must be Venomous means poisonous. Although they are beautiful but they are very dangerous. So appalling to see it.

boomlsang The worlds most dangerous snakes

Wow very scary. 😭😭

No natter how venomous it may be !! It still looks so beautiful 😍


Snakes are one of the most beautiful and intelligent animals.
They don't just attack, but if they feel threatened they attack as a form of defense.

The black mamba is africa's most venonous snake, but the amazing about snakes in general is that they also have parental instincts by protecting for their youngs, in reality they are not as dangerous as speculated .

those snake are looking beautifully dangerous ...

wow very scary. what's my dangerous african snake. in fact I am very afraid of small or big snakes are very dangerous for us

How true is the saying that one can determine how poisonous a snake is with the shape of their heads?

Oh my goodness! Impressive Sharing dude!

Beutyful serpent, but very venenous.


So beautifull but yet so dangerous!

I do not want to go anywhere near this snake..are there anti venom for this type of snake? i saw some video earlier about dos and don'ts when bit by a snake..pretty much more you try to do the worse it is for you. so if you get bit...get your ass to a hospital asap

it is most dangerous and enough to kill a human

It looks so scary

What an irony
Snakes can be deadly tho.

Nice please vote my post

i think its a great post....i know some thing from your post....i hope everybody like your post...thanks for shear it...

Great shot...Even though they're incredibly toxic and very much deadly, the boomslang is among the most inoffensive snakes in the world. They truly want nothing to do with people, and you have to push them a long, long way to get them to lash out and bite. They're quite shy and tend to rely on their camouflage to do both of their defense for them. I think they're also one of the most beautiful snakes in the world.

It includes bird in its diet,,, but was attacked by a bird... Woaw😥

The snake that reinforces the phrase “Never trust a pretty face”- the boomslang snake.

Boomslangs spend most of their time chilling out in trees in a variety of environments, from coastal thickets to savannahs. These snakes exhibit sexual dimorphism, meaning that the males and females display obvious morphological differences. The females are typically brown, whereas the males can display a variety of bright colors, from greens and yellows to pink-ish reds. A characteristic feature of these snakes is their strikingly large eyes that take up a large proportion of their heads. Youngsters are particularly beautiful because their eyes are an iridescent green, but don’t let these puppy dog eyes fool you. This snake will mess you up.

Snake's are very dangerous .Specially when they feel that they are going to be hurt or threatened .So people should avoid those place where snake's can live.@upvoted

The majority of snake bite are when people attempt to handle snakes to remove them, or kill them. So you can't really blame the snake. Few snake will bite if unprovoked as we are too big for dinner.

It looks dangerous


Very scary! I won't come near them.

I never heard about boomslang but the first time I heard about black mamba when I was in school, I was fascinated. Believe it or not, a cobra was crawled past between my legs while I was trying to pee.

some people eat those types of snaked right?

Wow very nice scary.i think its a great post.

I am very afraid to see it..From my childhood I am so much scare of the way thanks for informing about this snake.

Opps... its not a easy guy to handle I think...
good to know about that.. thanks a lot for these information you are sharing with us...


I'm very scared of snakes, but your story is very interesting.

Oh My God, it seems so beautiful at the same time very dangerous. I am not that fond of snakes but i know about Black Mamba. B.Mamba is at the top of the list no doubt about it.

Thank you so much for the amazing Photography of these species @gavvet

No, Australia's Inland Taipan (Small Scale Fierce Snake) and Eastern Browns are at the top of the list. The Brown is actually the more dangerous of the 2 as it has a bad temper and is pretty aggro.

thats really amazing info i love snake and scare too hmmmm

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