
hahaha! that sounds crazy nuts Rainbow Man but I guess that's why it will be funny!

I truly have no fear of snakes. It doesn't hurt when they bite. So I just grab them and let them bite the Hell out of me. It freaks people out but I'm amused by it. The water snakes are the meanest so they would make a great video.

haha! wow Rainbow Man, so you're going to make this video with you getting bit like 15 times! lol. well that DOES sound entertaining, maybe a little cringe worthy!

If I had more time I would of made a video with that water snake I caught. He did bite me a few times. But I need to find me one that is bigger and meaner. That one there calmed down to quickly after catching him.

ahhaha! that's nutso Rainbow Man! but for some reason it's also hilarious.