in #snc7 years ago (edited)


Noodles is one of the most popular foods. One of the delicious noodles is helsinki noodles that are in gandapura. Here not only noodles, There is a very famous food.


It is sate apaleh gurugok. Sate apaleh Geurugok is very well known for its special peanut tool specially formulated by apaleh. This natural ingredient is a secret taste of satay that makes you want to feel it again.


And do not miss the good food that is noodle kocokk. Yes indeed the name is a bit strange. But it's no doubt. Can make you addicted.


hai kawan @andresulaiman, salam...

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terima kasih ya

Nice post sate apaleh and mie kocok geurugok acek

Thank you

Postingan yang sangat bagus sebagai bentuk promosi makanan khas daerah.